How this Business Coaching Works


Depending on the package you choose, we’ll set regular times each week or month for 1-2-1 video coaching sessions.


At the start of each session, we’ll go through the issues you’d like to solve and the goals you’d like to achieve. We’ll review the actions and progress from the previous session, discuss current challenges, and refine your strategies, habits or approaches.


This could involve working on your marketing, your mindset or your motivation. Each session is designed around what you need most.


At the end of the session, you’ll have a clear set of actions, strategies, tools and resources to progress forward.

Is Business Coaching for You?


See if you recognise yourself in any of these:

  • I love what I do in my business but I’m not achieving what I hoped
  • I don’t know what to do to grow my business – it’s overwhelming
  • I need to bounce ideas off someone who has the experience to guide me
  • I’m not sure if what I’m spending my time doing is the right way to grow a business
  • I need a personal advisor who could answer questions in a way I can relate to
  • I’m struggling to make decisions and it’s stopping me moving forward
  • I’ve lost my motivation because I can’t get enough of the right clients
  • I’m anxious about running my own business and not making enough money
  • I’d love to talk to someone who truly understands my business situation
  • I’m tired, uninspired and not living a balanced work life at the moment
  • I’ve lost my confidence, doubt myself and need to sort out my mindset
  • I’m not productive lately – my mind is scattered and distracted
  • I’m raring to go with my business but don’t know where to start
  • I need someone to encourage me to keep going and achieving
  • I’m wondering if I have what it takes to work for myself and be successful
  • I wish someone could help me see what my unique talents are
  • I don’t feel I’ve found myself yet or the thing that sets me apart in business
  • I don’t enjoy social media but feel pressured to grow my following to compete
  • I’m not comfortable with sharing my personal life online to grow my business
  • I want to find a way to build my business that doesn’t take up all my time
  • I know I have the answers – I just need the time and space to focus
  • I’d like to leave my job and work for myself but I don’t know where to start
  • I need a step-by-step plan and someone to push me to achieve each week
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DIY or Business Coaching?


With a wealth of free information at your fingertips to help with every business challenge, personal block and career situation, why would you need a business coach? You could do it yourself!


The thing is, there’s so much content out there to digest and apply, you need to commit serious time and patience searching for the answers most relevant to you and your business.


Then, after all those hours reading, watching videos, downloading tools, templates and courses, you need to know how to break old habits and apply everything you’ve learnt.


A business coach fast-tracks that with personalised, expert advice.


They’ll point you straight to where you need to focus. They’ll help you to find the answers most relevant to you. They’ll give you that valuable second opinion, sounding board or sanity check – and they’ll encourage you to get started and keep you moving forward.


Take the first step towards working the way you want this year.


Take advantage of my free introductory business coaching session. Contact me for the next available dates.